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News & views

No time for recruitment

Speaking to many business owners, hiring managers and decision makers, one of the topics that always pops up is ‘lack of time’. And I recognize this myself…

Expat or local contract for international candidates in Africa?

We notice recruiting all over Africa that more and more companies, especially ‘for profit’ companies, offer their new international employees local contracts instead of ‘full package expat…

3 weeks too short?

How much time does an executive recruiter need to come up with a good short list for a senior role in Africa? In a poll we had…

Recruitment FOMO

Say you have a shortlist of good candidates for a crucial position within your organization in Africa. Out of that shortlist you have one clear favourite. But…

How not to lose good candidates

Did you ever start a recruitment process with an executive recruiter and when they delivered the candidates shortlist, there were different opinions within your own organization about…

Recruiting IN the market

When you are sourcing candidates that are ON the market, that means you are actually only scraping the surface in terms of finding the best candidates. You…

Married 4 times

Have you ever spoken to someone that told you they have been married 4 times, and every time they got a divorce, it was obviously the other…

Recruiting the recruiter

Where and how do you find the right recruiter for your business in Africa? A recruiter can for example be specialized in a sector, in a geographical…

What is recruitment fatigue?

You are very busy with your everyday tasks, managing your team, dozens of emails etc. and in the back of your mind you realize you have to…

Supporting growth and success in the African market

We are passionate about supporting the growth and sustainability of people, companies and our continent. Our dedicated team goes above and beyond to uncover hidden gems who can make a significant impact on organisations operating in Africa.

Our people stay up-to-date with the latest developments, regulatory frameworks, and emerging opportunities and aim to connect companies active on the African continent with the best senior local and global professionals. We are committed to providing exceptional service, building lasting partnerships, and driving success for both clients and candidates.

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