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Train the interviewer

Posted on 19 January, 2024 by Jobnet Africa

As executive recruiters we of course scroll all day on LinkedIn, and I found this great post from one of our colleagues in executive recruitment about the recruitment processes.

What he describes is that recruitment processes take longer and longer these days, and it is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is mainly because there has been checks after checks put in place throughout the process.

Now, what happens is, if you put a lot of layers of interviews into the process, it does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it does become a bad thing if the people that are doing the interviews are not well trained or are not conducting the interviews well.

This mainly refers to the people that are not able to sell the company well to the candidate.

So, what happens is the candidates get turned off throughout the process, which is such a pity.

So, the advice that he gives and that I would give to you as well, is that if you do add layers of interviews to the process, please make sure that the people that are conducting the interviews are able to sell your company to the candidate as well know how to conduct a proper interview.

That’s my advice for the day.

If you have any questions about how to set up your interview process after the executive recruiter has given you a shortlist, let me know, I’d be happy to jump on a call or send me a message on and we’ll chat about it!

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